Friday, April 12, 2013

Feature Friday Spotlight on Le Animale

I found todays artisan on the front page of Etsy one day and HAD to look at her shop, when I did I saw all of the amazing animals she created! All unique, all beautiful and all handmade! When you see her creations you’ll really appreciate the fact that they are hand made because of their significantly small size. It takes an incredible amount of time and an amazing eye for detail to make these clay masterpieces! Enjoy!

Give us a short bio:
My name is Laura. I'm an ever-curious artist currently sculpting tiny animals full time. It's wonderful. I have an eye for details and a passion for creating and exploring new places and new things. I live happily ever after with my awesome computer-genius boyfriend and two sweet but completely polar opposite dogs.

What inspired you to start your business?
My love of animals, miniatures, collections, and gift shops.

(This looks just like my Munchkin, lol!!)  =D

What inspires your creative process?
Everything. I'm inspired by the process itself and by refining my techniques and keeping things fresh. And animals, and colors, and unusualness.

What is your favorite thing you’ve made and why?
Always a difficult question, but my favorite thing I've made recently is this:
One is because it's a genet and genets are so neat. Two is that it's the first of a new collection I am working on called 'sketchbook'. My favorite medium for the longest time was pencil and now I've combined that medium with my current work into something super fun and unique. You'll find more sketchbook totems this fall. :)

What advice do you have for other people who want to start or grow their Etsy shop?
1) Create something awesome. Doesn't have to be a revolutionary idea, but make sure whatever it is has a unique spin that jives with you and what you like.
2) Take beautiful pictures of the awesome you create.
3) Be consistent and make/post new awesomeness regularly.
4) Mingle with other artists and bloggers and get the word out about all the awesome you've made!

Thank you Laura for sharing with us and for making such wonderful clay animals! Please visit her shop Le Animale on Etsy and take home one of her masterpieces today!